Faenua RADFANZ Gathering 2025
to Mar 17

Faenua RADFANZ Gathering 2025

Faenua RADFANZ Gathering 2025
Friday 14 March 2025 opening ceremony.
Monday 17 March closing ceremony.
March the 12 and 13 open for those who can arrive early for set up.
March 18 and 19th open to those available for breakdown and late departure.

The Calling, Kooo Eeee, Woooo Hoooo, KaaaKaww KaaKaww.
Faenua in Ruapuke Raglan is once again welcoming all Faerie's and their friends, to create community and honour traditions and events.
This year's Theme is all about fun creativity and exploring ourselves and others, think games, performance, quiz events, group massage, sand castle competitions, the co creation potential here can be truly magical.
One can look forward to creating and enjoying the traditional events held at Faenua. Opening and closing ceremony, Morning heart circles, Bimbo Palace creation ceremony and Bonfire, Talent and no Talent show, dinner parties and more.
Creature comforts provided include a communal camp kitchen so you don't need to pack your kitchen sink, hot showers, bush fire baths, recycling station, toilets, drinking water, several spaces marques for workshops and relaxation.
Note this is a camping event and you will need to provide your own tent and sleeping gear, there is parking for camper style vehicles but no power supply.
Note: Registration form to follow which will provide more details on what one can contribute towards, what days one is expecting to join the event, any dietary requirements and other offerings one may wish to provide.

Any questions?

Muppet (Alex Ouston) and Tinker (Simon Thomson) look forward to hosting you all soon.

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to Apr 3


  • Google Calendar ICS

Your hosts: Alex Ouston and Simon Thomson

Event Venue: Faenua, Ruapuke Beach

Duration: 8 days

RADFANZ Easter Gathering 2024:
Elementals : We are Matter
The Call / Kooo-eee

We of the Five Elements; each atom of our bodies gifted to us by this living world.

Wood. Each day we take the plant world into our body, through leaf, root, flower, and grain, or indirectly through the gift of meat and milk. It is our sustenance and our fuel. The great act of photosynthesis; the biochemical wonder transmuting radiation, carbon dioxide and water into solid substance, into food and shelter. Wood is the condensing of sunlight into stored energy to be released back to us in the cold of winter, warming our home and soul.

Fire. Our star, the orb that heats us, grows all life and food, drives all weather and tides, that giant nuclear reactor harvesting hydrogen in its path through space, and dragging our blue green globe in its wake. The heat of the deep Earth that erupts through volcanoes, that recycles whole tectonic plates anew, recycling every element. The fire of combustion in our own cells, animating our life.

Earth. From which all life is drawn, the home of the largest beings on the planet, the mycorrhizal fungi; those who dissolve and eat rock in order to grow plant and animal, the great cycle of life. The great breath of respiration as the soil inhales and exhales life twice a day under the path of the moon.

Metal. Earth condensed into the the manufactured. The tools and all the wonders of human civilization with which we have both the benefit of, and hold the candle of responsibility for rightful and respectful use.

Water. Since the beginning of time the water in your veins has ascended into cloud, condensed into rain, frozen into snow, crept for thousands of years through glacier, awakened through melt, has traversed the great oceans. Numerically 99% of the molecules in your body are water. Walking within you are every stream, every lake, every ocean of this planet. Each day water flows through your heart that once coursed the veins of a dinosaur, a blue whale, has been to the oceans greatest depths and the atmoshphere’s greatest heights, it has been the dew drop that has sustained life through drought, it has been the torrent of flood tearing the landscape anew, and it transports heat from the planets surface up into the upper atmosphere and back into the cold dark of space.
- - - - -
These five elements — Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water — are believed in Chinese culture to represent everything in nature between which interactions occur, and our ‘twin-spirit’ or ‘queer-soul’ ancestors were often the shamans: a conduit for the voice of this nature to speak to the human world. We were the story tellers, the soothsayers, the conduits of spirit, the magicians and jesters. These elements spoke to and through us: the plant, animal and insect peoples of the world spoke, and we listened.
This is a ‘Dragon-Wood’ year (year 4722), so the element of Wood is the most powerful, please know your birth element before arrival, it is associated with the year of your birth (and will include one of the animal signs of the Chinese Zodiac).

What is a Gathering?
As faeries we come together to listen, to speak, to laugh, to play, maybe to shed a tear of empathy, to create, to feast, to indulge and to allow the business and technology of the modern world to wash away for some days. Let this be our gathering, our grouping of selves in the shortening days of late summer to forge ourselves anew in the fires of community to stride strongly through the rest of the year ahead.
* It’s a time of creating community, a time to connect with the land and the seasons, a time for ritual and meditation, a time for sharing and expression. We embrace each other as friends and lovers. We embrace ourselves as exceptional queers. We embrace the world we inhabit and this planet that gives us life.
* The retreat is based on international Faerie traditions of co-creation, so anybody can propose and lead whatever workshop, ritual or activity they like. Whether physical or cerebral, structured or chaotic, serious or downright silly - we cherish your varied contributions.
* Heart Circles, usually held each morning, are spaces for the sharing and active listening that are integral to the Faerie experience.
* We welcome all the genders that gather under the rainbow tree: be ye them’s and their’s, cis-him’s or her’s, trans this way and that, expansive genders of indigenous norms from the pacific and beyond, queer and inter, hear our call...
* The ‘Talent/No-Talent’ (TNT) show (a gala in the loosest sense) provides a stage for displays of genuine prowess, earnest expression or shambolic spectacle.

The gathering will straddle Easter, you are welcome to arrive on Wednesday the 27th March, and stay until the Wednesday 3rd April, the opening ritual will be first thing on the morning of Thursday the 28th March, and the closing ritual will be on Monday 1st April for those who have to travel long distances, and the gathering will complete on Wedneday the 3rd.

You’re welcome to arrive any time on Wednesday, or if you’re available to assist with setup in the week prior to the gathering please message Muppet or Tinker directly. For those who don’t need to rush away, we like a long tail on the gathering and so welcome you to stay for those days afterwards.

Again we welcome you to gather at Faenua, a farm and dedicated faerie space near Raglan, Waikato. Faenua is a dedicated faerie space situated on 260 hectares of farmland. It’s a 20 minute walk across the paddocks and down to an effectively private beach. We will be sleeping in the tents we set up around the house and permaculture garden. We will have some tent space available for those who do not have their own tents. As well as the house there’ll be several marquees as gathering/workshop spaces, outdoor showers and bathing facilities, compost toilets and outdoor fire baths. Vegetarian food is provided and we will do the cooking communally.

Alternative Accommodation
If staying in a tent simply isn’t you, then just 10 minutes’ walk across the paddocks on the same property is a B&B run by Tinker’s brother Dave. If you want to stay there you’ll need to make your booking directly through AirBnB at:

We’ll send you instructions and a map of how to get there when you register. We encourage people to car share as much as possible and this is best co-ordinated via the event page on facebook.
If you’re using public transport, you’ll need to get to Hamilton and then take the bus to Raglan. In weekends and public holidays there are 3 buses per day, school holidays 4 buses per day, and term time 6 buses per day. The School Holidays begin at Easter, so be aware of the timetable change between arrival and departure. The current bus schedule is here, https://busit.co.nz/regional-services/raglan/ From Raglan we will be able to organize to pick you up.
Faenua is a clothing optional and body positive space. Our buildings aren’t set up for wheelchair accessibility, and while the property is relatively flat there are steps into the house. We can’t allow anyone to bring dogs, but there will be two farm dogs on the property, Rio and Spud.
The gathering is an opportunity to leave the concrete jungle behind and be present with each other and on the land. We rely on solar power for lighting – so can’t operate high-wattage appliances, and mobile signal is variable. Camper vans can be accommodated but there are no powered sites.

The registration fee for the gathering is $35/day for food and other costs (this equates to $175 for Thurs through Monday, or $245 for Wed to Wed). We’ll publish a statement of accounts for the gathering on our website after the event. If there’s any surplus over $500 we’ll reimburse that pro-rata to registrants.

Faerie Fee Fund
We operate a ‘NOTAFLOF’ (no-one turned away for lack of funds) policy. If the registration cost is a problem please contact your Queen Roosters.
Also, if you would like to contribute to our Faerie Fee Fund you are most welcome to do so. To make a contribution, include the extra funds when you pay your registration fee. Your Queen Roosters will sort the payment to those in need. Your contribution will be very much appreciated.

Helper Roles:
Queen Speaker: News and house keeping before heart circles to manage the groups activities daily.
Chime ’n’ Time Faeries: A faerie for each day that can keep an eye on the clock and provide timely alerts for workshops and rituals, enabling people to make the most out of scheduled offerings.
Tidy Faerie: Someone to keep an eye on the various spaces and recruit others into cleaning action when the chaos and clutter gets a bit much! Abandoned costumes, suspicious towels and wayward drinking vessels will all be in your domain.
Kitchen Witch: 1 or 2 people with experience catering for lots of people, that can make sure each meal team knows kitchen logistics, supplies available, food allergies etc, but they won’t be resonsible for cooking every meal...
Breakfast Faerie: A reliable early riser to ensure breakfast is on the table by 7.30am and dishes done by 8.45am so we are ready for morning heart circles or workshops.
Lunch and Dinner Cooking Crews: Will be taken part in by all faeries by volunteering, great way to meet and have laughs with other faeries!
Fire-bath faerie: Someone that can keep the fire-baths running smoothly and well stocked with fuel.
TNT – ‘Talent – No-Talent’ Team: To make the TNT run smooth (ish), MC and sexy co-host, stage props and decorating, sound, lighting, make-up and costumes boxes.

Alcohol Policy
We operate a sober space and ask you to abstain from alcohol and drugs in order to remain present and respectful to ourselves and to each other. Mainstream gay community spaces typically include alcohol, and part of the goal of the faeries is to provide a space that is alternative to this. There will be a separate smoking space for tobacco users and we ask you to not smoke anywhere else around the house and gathering spaces.

Included in the price are 3 vegetarian meals a day, and these can be adapted to suit vegans too. If you have any food allergies/special diets please let us know in good time and we will do our best to accomodate you.

We do have test kits around if someone does become ill, there is plenty of space to isolate onsite if necessary. Please inform QR’s if you become unwell.
What to bring
Most people will be camping – so please be aware you will need to bring everything to make your stay comfortable.
- Tent (if you haven’t got one, contact us—we’ll come up with something).
- Bedding: pillows, sleeping bags, blankets, mattress
- Outdoor clothes and footwear (there are thistles if walking around the farm) and cold weather gear (just in case!)
- Torch/head torch with batteries/charge
- Eating utensils: cutlery, plate, bowl, cup
- Swimwear and towels for the beach
- Biodegradable hygiene products
- Suncream and sun hat, umbrellas are also good for shade
- Home baking and snacks to share
- Costumes, drag
- Musical instruments
- Games, decorations and art supplies
- Anything for the altars (crystals, candles, lights, whatever you feel is right!)
- Anything needed to run your own workshop!
We are a 30-minute drive from any shop so bear this in mind before you arrive! Any questions, contact your Queen Roosters!

Pre-registration is essential for food purchases and menu planning. Your Queen Roosters and points of contact for this event are Muppet and Tinker:

Alex / Muppet : alex_ouston@hotmail.com / 0273492114
Simon / Tinker : si.matawha@gmail.com / 02102486593

A registration form link will be put on the event page in the days ahead, please complete the form to register for the event!


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Easter Weekend Gathering
to Apr 10

Easter Weekend Gathering

Your hosts Alex Ouston and Simon Thompson

Opening ceremony Evening 5 April 2023
Closing ceremony Morning 10 April 2023

Alcohol Policy
We operate a sober space and ask you to abstain from alcohol and drugs in order to remain present and respectful to ourselves and to each other. Mainstream gay community spaces typically include alcohol, and part of the goal of the faeries is to provide a space that is alternative to this. There will be a separate smoking space for tobacco users and we ask you to not smoke anywhere else around the house and gathering spaces.

The Call / Kooo-eee

The RadFanz Autumn Gathering returns! After a year of repose the Faenua awaits the return a joyous magical feat of the faeries.
It has been a complex couple of years and in the land of many birds and no snakes we are asked to reclaim the soaring of Kahu, to ascend on the currents to great heights, to see with a sharpness of vision that perceives and processes in a way that no human can, to glide over landscapes and take in the great views, to witness a wholism unreachable by the ground dwellers.
So ruffle your feathers, adorn your inner bird, whatever that totem may be; be it Seagull (even of a Johnathan Livingston sort), a Macaw, a preening Peacocke, of the dance of a Piwakawaka. Welcome, welcome, welcome!

* It’s a time of creating community, a time to connect with the land and the seasons, a time for ritual and meditation, a time for sharing and expression. We embrace each other as friends and lovers. We embrace ourselves as exceptional queers. We embrace the world we inhabit and this planet that gives us life.
* The retreat is based on international Faerie traditions of co-creation so anybody can propose and lead whatever workshop, ritual or activity they like. Whether physical or cerebral, structured or chaotic, serious or downright silly - we cherish your varied contributions.
Again we welcome you to gather at Faenua, a farm and dedicated faerie space near Raglan, Waikato.
The gathering will straddle Easter; beginning with an opening ritual on the night of Wednesday 5th April, and close on the morning of Monday 10th April. You’re welcome to arrive any time on Wednesday, or if you’re available to assist with setup in the week prior to the gathering please message Tinker directly. For those who don’t need to rush away, we like a long tail on the gathering and so welcome you to stay for a few days afterwards.
We welcome all the genders that gather under the rainbow tree; be ye them’s and their’s, cis-him’s or her’s, trans this way and that, expansive genders of indigenous norms from the pacific and beyond, queer and inter, hear our call...

Faenua is a dedicated faerie space situated on 260 hectares of farmland near Raglan, Waikato. This is a working cattle farm homestead and permaculture garden, sorry we cannot allow anyone to bring their dogs.
Faenua is a clothing optional, body positive and consent conscious space. The gathering is an opportunity to leave the concrete jungle behind and be present with each other and on the land.
The property hosts a 20 minute walk across the paddocks and down to an effectively private beach. Several marquees will be available as gathering/workshop spaces, outdoor showers for washing, long drop, compost toilets and outdoor fire baths. We rely on solar power for lighting – so we can't operate high-wattage appliances like hair dryers, and mobile signals are variable. A well set up camp kitchen will be our cooking and cleaning facility.
Accommodation you will need to supply your own tent and bedding which can be set up around the property, Camper vans can be accommodated but there are no powered sites. There are a limited number of beds for those most in need.
Updates, directions, registration, and further info can all be found on the event page in the RadFANZ Facebook (private) group. See https://www.facebook.com/groups/233528070116321. If you are a non facebook user, use the contact form on this site to request further information.

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Labour Weekend Gathering
to Oct 24

Labour Weekend Gathering

Labour weekend gathering at Autumn Farm 2022
Offical weekend runs October Friday 21st till Monday 24th

Your Hosting Queen is Alex Ouston aka Trixie any questions can be directed to me.

The Cost of this event is $230.00 and no Faerie turned away due to lack of funds, your registration will be confirmed once we receive your application and payment.
(A seperate post will hold all of these details soon)

Travel to and from Takaka New Zealand, look at early cheap flights to and from Nelson Airport, rental car or carpooling fron Nelson to Takaka recommend.
Mini plane flights from Wellington to Takaka direct with pre arranged pick up available in Takaka.
North island road trip catch the Ferry from Wellington to Piction and drive through some fine as country, carpooling recommend.
South Island travel carpool your way to Autumn farm.
( Note a travel and carpooling post will be made so all travelling rides links options can be made amongst yourselves)

Those that wish to travel earlier or stay on after the event are more than welcome to book extra time at Autumn farm.

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Radical Faeries Labour Weekend Autumn Farm
to Oct 26

Radical Faeries Labour Weekend Autumn Farm


YOOOO HOOOO Calling all Faeries and Queers From the North to the South and inbetween.

Autumn Farm a amazing clothing optional sex and gender positive ecology aware property and accommodation is once again letting RADFANZ Self Host the 2021 Labour weekend gathering.

Alex Ouston AKA Trixie will be Queen Bee for this event and is looking forward to hosting a 4 day weekend full of activities.

Participants can look forward to being well fed with a focus on vegetarian food with the exception of eggs, cheese and dairy.

9am Heart Circles each morning with a chosen focus of group interest addressin things like.
My woes internal/external struggles?
My gifts and ones power that make them unique?
are just a few examples.

Other activities already planned are?
The great veterinary lube up.
I love to masturbate a open discussion and group activity.
Paynes ford river swim.
Talent and no Talent show.
Fetish kink bathhouse dance party.

Other areas of focus for workshops sought from participants include topics like.
Who am I and who are my people a discussion and information share about our Faeries sense of community.
Faeries and magic those that speak with oracles, divination runes, tarot are invited to share their skills and experience.
Life Drawing/body painting artistic creativity.
Sacred spirituality workshop.
Body touch and massage workshop.
What can you bring?

Yes I need help:

A kitchen Chef god to oversee the nourishment of everybody for the weekend comes with benefits.

Fay to hold workshops.
Fay to hold heart circles.
TnT host master.
Cleaning Fay to keep things hygienic and recycle empty bins.
Fire Fay to look after the fires and wood piles.

You have the dates, so get talking among your community, let's reach out to South Island Faeries and other Interested Groups let me know so I may send out this invitation, or please pass it on.

More details to follow like Pricing, Accommodation choices, Directions to the Farm, Travel and carpooling advice.

EEEEKKK Excited Alex.


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Matariki Horopito Gathering
to Jul 5

Matariki Horopito Gathering

  • Middle Road Horopito, Manawatu-Wanganui, 4696 New Zealand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Main Radical Faeries event will be from Friday evening until early Sunday afternoon, but fae can arrive from Thursday afternoon and stay until Monday afternoon (or even earlier or longer if you want!). We will be celebrating and respecting Matariki (https://www.twoa.ac.nz/hononga-stay.../te-iwa-o-matariki). Numbers will be limited 20 whether or not staying at the Horopito bach, due to space limitations for activities. Registration can now be made at: https://forms.gle/Sceniah98brBzvh89 - Registrations received after the 20 limit has been reached will be put on a wait list.

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Sacred Embodiment for Gay Men - 5 Day Tantra Immersion Retreat
to Jun 8

Sacred Embodiment for Gay Men - 5 Day Tantra Immersion Retreat

Welcome brothers!

Let’s take a breath together…. Yes, breathe!

What if we were to tell you that conscious breath has origins in tantra, a tradition of sexuality and spirituality that is thousands of years old? And that tantra can help you reach deeper levels of intimacy, self-acceptance, and fulfilment in your life?

Men! —yes, you, currently reading this—regardless of our sexuality and how we might identify as male, we hunger for meaningful experiences. Research proves we as men are struggling now more than ever: recent statistics show gay, bi, queer and questioning men have higher rates of mental health issues than the general population, including depression and suicide. Our vibrant and unapologetically diverse community is still struggling to have meaningful experiences and connections with other men—superficial, often app-driven encounters just don’t cut it. Unhealthy patterns of compulsive behaviour threaten to replace our hidden hunger and deep desire for meaningful experiences between men who love men.

A major reason for this is we have few role models or references on how as men we can love another man; there is no manual for this. Another core issue is our queer civilization has absorbed and digested a great lie: that we humans should be living from a pre-existing paradigm that puts living through the mind first. The mind is a very powerful part of who we are, but living from the mind alone has created great internal suffering and destructive behaviour because it completely ignores other vital parts of who we are: our sacred body, our emotions, our soul.

As a result, we have lost the tantric understanding that our body is intimately connected to the natural world: we have forgotten the emotional, fluid, nature of our body and spirit and how they often follow nature’s cycles, its rhythmic ebbs and flows. We have forgotten how to fully show up as men who love men. We have forgotten our authentic power as men who love men.

It's time for a revolution!

We created the “Sacred Embodiment for Gay Men” 5-Day Tantra Immersion Retreat as a pathway to deeper levels of personal and collective self-acceptance, intimacy, and reclaiming of our power. Together we will learn and explore classical and neo-Tantric tools that give us access to the meaningful experiences of embodied deep connection we truly desire.

We are men who love the spirit of another man: we were the shamans, the magicians, the witch doctors, the healers, the edge dwellers. We were recognized and honoured as the sacred truth holders beyond the polarity of male and female. By weaving the sacred with the embodied, we will begin the process of claiming and embodying the full essence of this, our birthright. We will learn how to show up for authentic love: love for oneself and others. We will learn how to experience and build conscious ecstasy in our lives, to experience authentic pleasure and desire, to embrace our sacred heritage as gay men, free from heteronormative expectations.

Sacred Embodiment for Gay Men is a first of its kind retreat in the world: a transpersonal fusion of the erotic and sacred, where we will dive deeply into unknown parts of ourselves to bring us home to our sacred essence. It’s time to stop settling for anything less than the limitless possibilities of our amazing human body and its relationship with our soul. It’s time to let go of any cultural conditioning that may prevent us from a full surrender to our embodied potential for bliss.

This retreat experience will take place in sacred and safe space, and it has the power to accelerate your personal growth and conscious evolution. It’s time for us to show up for ourselves and for the benefit of our collective queer consciousness. For the sheer bliss of the sensations. For the wonder and beauty of male bonding for its own sake. There is plenty of suffering in this world today, so join us on this retreat as we focus on pleasure, bliss, and our sacred embodiment. When we apply awareness and conscious presence in our intimacy as gay men, together we open a pathway to the sacred, to Love.

Sacred Embodiment for Gay Men Retreat Investment:

Includes the complete 5-day Tantra Immersion Retreat: all tuition, shared accommodation, and 3 vegetarian meals a day.

Limited numbers: 22 men only

For the early birds: $1150 per person (limited numbers, 5 available)

For the ones who sleep in: ($1350 per person)

For those who have all day: ($1650 per person)

For anyone who wishes to offer someone a scholarship for a full ticket, please contact Tony and Grant directly to discuss.

Bank account details
Tony Thorn
Please put (5-day Retreat) in the reference

Contact Details:

Tony Thorn Thornt02@hotmail.com


Grant Shepherd newconsciouspathways@gmail.com


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RADFANZ Easter Gathering 2021:  The Garden of Earthly Delights
to Apr 5

RADFANZ Easter Gathering 2021: The Garden of Earthly Delights

30TH MARCH UPDATE: Ok faeries, we're approaching capacity so registrations for the autumn gathering are now closed. If you've already expressed interest in coming but haven't registered, you are still on our list so just confirm your attendance ASAP. You can also email us to register your interest and if anyone cancels(there's usually a couple at least) then you can fill their space....


A score of faeries have already arrived and are diligently setting up structures, digging holes and arranging kitchen magic. We look forward to welcoming the rest of you soon xx

The Call / Kooo-eee
The year past has been one of challenge and at times of isolation. This year the call is but a simple one; to regenerate, to gather in the garden, to relax, to laugh, to hug and to share. Let the archetype of the jester, the fool walk with you into the gathering to celebrate the day of the Fools. Remember those energies of our ancestors that bought laughter to the courts and town squares of those places they travelled through, as they wove story, joy and a sprinkling of magic into the lives of those they passed.

Again we welcome you to gather at Faenua, a farm and dedicated faerie space near Raglan, Waikato. The gathering will straddle Easter; beginning with an opening ritual on the night of Tuesday 30th March, and close on the morning of Monday 5th April. You’re welcome to arrive any time on Tuesday, or if you’re available to assist with setup in the days prior to the gathering please message Kayda directly. For those who don’t need to rush away, we like a long tail on the gathering and so welcome you to stay for a few days afterwards.

We welcome all the genders that gather under the rainbow tree; be ye them’s and their’s, cis-him’s or her’s, trans this way and that, expansive genders of indigenous norms from the pacific and beyond, queer and inter, hear our call...

Pre-registration is essential. Your Queen Roosters and points of contact for this event are Kayda (primarily) and Tinker. You can contact us through the email address: kaydakowhai@gmail.com

Please follow the link and complete the google form to register for this event: https://forms.gle/UCCB5VtVwhqjZeRu8

What is a Gathering?
* It’s a time of creating community, a time to connect with the land and the seasons, a time for ritual and meditation, a time for sharing and expression. We embrace each other as friends and lovers. We embrace ourselves as exceptional queers. We embrace the world we inhabit and this planet that gives us life.
* The retreat is based on international Faerie traditions of co-creation so anybody can propose and lead whatever workshop, ritual or activity they like. Whether physical or cerebral, structured or chaotic, serious or downright silly - we cherish your varied contributions.
* Heart Circles, usually held each morning, are spaces for sharing and active listening that are integral to the Faerie experience.
* The ‘Talent/No-Talent’ (TNT) show (a gala in the loosest sense) provides a stage for displays of genuine prowess, earnest expression or shambolic spectacle.

Faenua is a dedicated faerie space situated on 260 hectares of farmland. It’s a 20 minute walk across the paddocks and down to an effectively private beach. We will be sleeping in the tents we set up around the homestead and permaculture garden. There are a limited number of beds available indoors for those most in need. As well as the house there’ll be several marquees as gathering/workshop spaces, outdoor showers and bathing facilities, compost toilets and outdoor fire baths. Vegetarian food is provided and we will do the cooking communally.

We’ll send you instructions and a map of how to get there when you register. We encourage people to car share as much as possible and this is best co-ordinated via the event page on facebook.
If you’re using public transport, you’ll need to get to Hamilton and then take the bus to Raglan. In weekends and public holidays there are 3 buses per day, school holidays 4 buses per day, and term time 6 buses per day. The School Holidays begin at Easter, so be aware of the timetable change between arrival and departure. The current bus schedule is here, https://busit.co.nz/regional-services/raglan/ From Raglan we will be able to organize to pick you up.

Faenua is a clothing optional and body positive space. Our buildings aren’t set up for wheelchair accessibility, and while the property is relatively flat there are steps into the house. We can’t allow anyone to bring dogs, but there will be two farm dogs on the property, Rio and Spud.
The gathering is an opportunity to leave the concrete jungle behind and be present with each other and on the land. Camper vans can be accommodated but there are no powered sites.

The registration fee for the gathering is $140 for food and other costs. We’ll publish a statement of accounts for the gathering on our website after the event. If there’s any surplus over $500 we’ll reimburse that pro-rata to registrants.

Faerie Fee Fund: We operate a ‘NOTAFLOF’ (no-one turned away for lack of funds) policy. If the registration cost is a problem please contact your Queen Roosters. Also, if you would like to contribute to our Faerie Fee Fund you are most welcome to do so. To make a contribution, include the extra funds when you pay your registration fee. Your Queen Roosters will sort the payment to those in need. Your contribution will be very much appreciated.

Helper Roles:
Rideshare Faerie: We’ll be busy setting the site up in the week or 2 leading up to the gathering so we would love for an organised faerie with an affinity for checking emails to coordinate rideshares.
Chime’n’Time Faeries: A faerie for each day that can keep an eye on the clock and provide timely alerts for workshops and rituals, enabling people to make the most out of scheduled offerings.
For the rest of the roles, we would ideally have faeries that are present for the entire gathering. We encourage these faeries to delegate but would love them to take primary responsibility for keeping things ticking...
Tidy Faerie: Someone to keep an eye on the various spaces and recruit others into cleaning action when the chaos and clutter gets a bit much! Abandoned costumes, suspicious towels and wayward drinking vessels will all be in your domain.
Kitchen Witch: 1 or 2 people with experience catering for lots of people, that can make sure each meal team knows kitchen logistics, supplies available, food allergies etc, but they won’t be resonsible for cooking every meal...
Breakfast Faerie: A reliable early riser to ensure breakfast is on the table in time for morning heart circles.
Fire-bath faerie: Someone that can keep the fire-baths running smoothly and well stocked with fuel.

Alcohol Policy
We operate a sober space and ask you to abstain from alcohol and drugs in order to remain present and respectful to ourselves and to each other. Mainstream gay community spaces typically include alcohol, and part of the goal of the faeries is to provide a space that is alternative to this. There will be a separate smoking space for tobacco users and we ask you to not smoke anywhere else around the house and gathering spaces.

Included in the price are 3 vegetarian meals a day, and these can be adapted to suit vegans too. If you have any food allergies/special diets please let us know in good time and we will do our best to accomodate you.

What to bring:
Most people will be camping – so please be aware you will need to bring everything to make your stay comfortable.
- Tent (if you haven’t got one, contact us—we’ll come up with something).
- Bedding: pillows, sleeping bags, blankets, mattress
- Outdoor clothes and footwear (there are thistles if walking around the farm) and cold weather gear (just in case!)
- Torch/head torch with batteries/charge
- Eating utensils: cutlery, plate, bowl, cup
- Swimwear and towels for the beach
- Biodegradable hygiene products
- Suncream and sun hat, umbrellas are also good for shade
- Home baking and snacks to share
- Costumes, drag
- Musical instruments
- Games, decorations and art supplies
- Anything for the altars (crystals, candles, lights, whatever you feel is right!)
- Anything needed to run your own workshop!
We are a 30-minute drive from any shop so bear this in mind before you arrive! Any questions, contact your Queen Roosters. kaydakowhai@gmail.com

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Crepuscular Creatures: Feral Forest Faerie Gathering
to Dec 31

Crepuscular Creatures: Feral Forest Faerie Gathering


Well faerie whanau, those that have registered for the Far North Summer Gathering are in! We are now closing registrations early, apologies for any disappointments.

Normal QR planning continues as this Gathering faces two potential issues that others have not: both covid and a potential extreme weather event. At this stage, Florabunda is on weather watch and looking at options A, B and C. The current ten day forecast currently shows some pretty heavy rain around the planned gathering period. But the forecasts every day are changing and it may blow through quickly (we’re sure you can relate!) so it’s hard to know at this stage how it will pan out. There IS the possibility at short notice we may need cancel or postpone, but it’s probably too early to make those calls – but this is something you may want to weigh up for your own summer plans. We will let you know a final decision next Weds 23 Decemeber.

On top of this issue is the Government directive that people will need extra food and provisions if there’s a covid-19 outbreak and need to ‘shelter at place’. This is not practical at Otangaroa, so you would need a plan to swiftly return home to isolate if covid pops up again. You might like to keep a weather watch too: http://metvuw.com/forecast/forecast.php?type=rain&region=nz&noofdays=10




Just when you thought 2020 couldn't go out with a RADFANZ Gathering... a cyber meeting birthed an unholy trinity of Queen Roosters (Brassy, Stripes and Florrrrrrrabunda!) to muster forth:

THE CALL: From within the twilight comes the raucous call to queer/gay/masc/trans/pan/bi/takātapui faeries to a lush four day Radical Faerie event where the water runs clear and the ancient trees calmly watch on.

KAUPAPA: Crepuscular Creatures: Feral Forest Faerie Gathering from 27-31 December 2020 in the Far North.

Finish your *memorable* 2020 by camping on the edge of the native forest or among the food forest with some fae love and creative quirkiness. Bring your inspiration for workshops, Talent/No Talent night and bush kitchen magic.

This will be the third Radical Faerie gathering at Otangaroa (1 hour's drive north of the Bay of Islands). This magical, hidden away location is a clothing optional, body positive and consent consious space.

The Gathering will be an alcohol and drug free space (until after the closing ceremony). There’s an option for you to stay on after the gathering to welcome in the New Year. Substances will be allowed during the New Year's festivities.

NUMBERS TO ATTEND: All Radfanz events this year have been oversubscribed so it's likely we'll put a cap on numbers because of logistical issues (eg parking) – so be in quick to register (see link at the end). (We will update if/when necessary.)

COST: It’s $120 that covers the 3-and-a bit-days. No one is turned away through lack of funds, so if you genuinely can’t afford the cost, no questions asked, just let us know on the rego form.

ACCESS AND PARKING: Both limited and a little tricky. Carpooling will be key for us to allow more people to come.

DOGS: No. Because we’ll be camping in kiwi habitat (there are actually kiwi living within metres of where tents will be pitched) this is a dog-free event.

ZERO WASTE: We’re also aiming for zero waste so think consciously about what you bring, and be prepared to take back out with you whatever you bring in.

FOOD: will be vegetarian or vegan. We’ll supply and co-create breakfast, lunch and dinner from dinner on the 27th (after opening ceremony) through til brekkie on the 31st. Feel free to bring snacks!

EXTRAS: If you want to stay on for New Year’s celebrations you’ll need to self-cater and we have a cool vault we can safely lock away booze until the gathering is formally over.

BRING: BYO Camping Gear! (Or, on the rego form, let us know that you're looking to find space in a communal tent.)

Note: There is no 'indoor' at this event. Plan for outdoors / summer, day and night.

Torch/Solar lighting, drink bottle, your own personal eating gear (plate/bowl/cup/cutlery) , a camp chair/stool/cushion for heart circles, workshops, eating and lounging around.

CLOTHING: Aside from tent time, you’ll be outside ALL of the time. Sun cover is essential – eg a good hat. Warm clothes for cool evenings, cool clothes for hot days.

COVID-cautions: You need to have your own personal Covid escape route home sorted in case our invisible little viral friend appears and the country increases covid-levels or goes into lockdown. IMPORTANT: You can’t stay at Otangaroa if a lockdown is imminent.

After such a bumpy year, it’ll be great to reconnect and have a fae-bulous time together.

From the Unholy QR Trinity: Brassy, Stripes and Florrrrrrrrrrrrabunda!

P.S. Please leave your tinsel at home, it’s environmentally evil.


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Autumn Gathering 2020: GreenSwell CANCELLED DUE TO COVID19
to Apr 13

Autumn Gathering 2020: GreenSwell CANCELLED DUE TO COVID19

  • Google Calendar ICS

Autumn Gathering 2020: GreenSwell


The Call / Kooo-eee...

The opening of this new decade where the tide of humanity must turn to a new story has been seared into memory by reddened skies and blackened glaciers. Forests across the Tasman Sea have been devoured by fire, their silent screams erupting into the heavens, turned into ash and smoke. Those trees are the cousins of our forests; they too are the ancestors or Tuakana species who came before us, who gift us our breath. Humans, as the youngest species have a responsibility to our elders; to all those who came before us; to look after them and to care for them.

We will turn to an ancient personification of the forest; the Green Man, and we will remember; of both pagans who believed every plant, tree, spring, stream, rock, hill or animal had its own soul and its own guardian deity, and we will honour the Pacific tradition of a carved rakau-momori of Rēkohu (Land of the Misty Sun/Chatham Islands). The rakau-momori are a remembering carved into the bark of the Karaka tree; and ours will be a mark of the faeries wedding themselves to the future of the forests. 

Imagine a future to come, to look back decades from now on a new tradition grown... 

In this new tradition, the tribes of Aotearoa know that when the hot months of summer, of sunshine and festivals, beaches and celebration begin to cool and the days shorten, that when the day of Samhain and the lit pumpkins has passed, that the growing night and wet earth is close. The peoples of Aotearoa know that is time to pick up a treasured belonging; a trusted spade. This taonga, passed down through the family or given by friends, gifted at a time in their life, found in second-hand shops, or a sturdy well-made article bought anew that enables playing a part. 

This spade, along with countless others will part the rich soil and bring the giant tree ancestors back to lands that have all but forgotten their cool dark green shade, their towering condominiums of life reaching skyward.

Papatūānuku remembers human feet walking kindly on the earth, but for millennia humanity has knawed at the forests, rendering once towering canopies of cool dark green to dust and desert. It is time for a green swell to again roll forward across the Earth; the faeries foot fall will anchor new beings into the deep dark earth, to let them reach towards our star and fuse carbon and water into the sweet flow of life. Into this sacred tradition we enter. 

Again we welcome you to gather at Faenua, a farm and dedicated faerie space near Raglan, Waikato. The gathering will straddle Easter; beginning with an opening ritual on the night of Tuesday 7th April, and close on the morning of Monday 13th April. You’re welcome to arrive any time on Tuesday, or if you’re available to assist with setup in the week prior to the gathering then let us know. For those who don’t need to rush away, we like a long tail on the gathering and so welcome you to stay for a few days afterwards. We will however need you to leave by Thursday 16th, unless you are also attending the Sex Magick event.

We welcome all the genders that gather under the rainbow tree; be ye them’s and they’s, cis-him’s or her’s, trans this way and that, expansive genders of indigenous norms from the pacific and beyond, queer and inter, hear our call...

Pre-registration is essential and limited to 80 people as this is the current capacity of our facilities. Your Queen Roosters and points of contact for this event are Kayda and Tinker. You can contact us through the email address: kaydakowhai@gmail.com

Please follow the link and complete the form to register for this event:



What is a Gathering?

* It’s a time of creating community, a time to connect with the land and the seasons, a time for ritual and meditation, a time for sharing and expression. We embrace each other as friends and lovers. We embrace ourselves as exceptional queers. We embrace the world we inhabit and this planet that gives us life.

* The retreat is based on international Faerie traditions of co-creation so anybody can propose and lead whatever workshop, ritual or activity they like. Whether physical or cerebral, structured or chaotic, serious or downright silly - we cherish your varied contributions.

* Heart Circles, usually held each morning, are spaces for sharing and active listening that are integral to the Faerie experience.

* The ‘Talent/No-Talent’ (TNT) show (a gala in the loosest sense) provides a stage for displays of genuine prowess, earnest expression or shambolic spectacle.

* We engage in ritual to connect more deeply with each other and our environment, and this can present itself in planned processes or sporadic moments.

* We share 3 communal vegetarian meals a day and create a range of cosy spaces to converse, celebrate, perform or relax at your leisure.


Faenua is a dedicated faerie space situated on 260 hectares of farmland near Raglan, Waikato. It’s a 20 minute walk across the paddocks and down to an effectively private beach. We will be sleeping in tents we set up around the homestead and permaculture garden. There are a limited number of beds and floor space available indoors for those most in need. As well as the house there’ll be several marquees as gathering/workshop spaces, outdoor showers and bathing facilities, compost toilets and outdoor fire baths.

Faenua is a clothing optional, body positive and consent conscious space. If you have accessibility issues then get in touch through email or the registration form to discuss how we might accommodate you. This is a working cattle farm and we can’t allow anyone to bring dogs, but there will be two farm dogs on the property, Rio and Spud.

The gathering is an opportunity to leave the concrete jungle behind and be present with each other and on the land. We rely on solar power for lighting – so can’t operate high-wattage appliances like hair dryers, and mobile signal is variable. Camper vans can be accommodated but there are no powered sites. 

We’ll send you instructions and a map of how to get there before the gathering. We encourage people to car share as much as possible and this can be coordinated via the event page on Facebook or emailing us if you can’t access that. If you’re using public transport, you’ll need to get to Hamilton and then take the bus to Raglan. On weekends and public holidays there are 3 buses per day, school holidays 4 buses per day, and term time 6 buses per day. The School Holidays begin at Easter, so be aware of the timetable change between arrival and departure. The current bus schedule is here, https://busit.co.nz/regional-services/raglan/ From Raglan we will be able to organize to pick you up. 


The registration fee for the gathering is $150 for food and other costs. We’ll publish a statement of accounts for the gathering after the event. If there’s any surplus over $500 we’ll reimburse that pro-rata to registrants.


Included in the price are 3 vegetarian meals a day, and these can be adapted to suit vegans too. We are hoping to provide the bulk of the fresh produce from our gardens but get in touch if you grow anything in abundance that we can buy off you. We would rather spend the gathering money on other faeries’ produce than at a supermarket (though donations are also greatly appreciated). If you have any food allergies/special diets please let us know on your registration form and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Faerie Fee Fund

We operate a ‘NOTAFLOF’ (no-one turned away for lack of funds) policy. If the registration cost is a problem please include this in your registration.

Also, if you would like to contribute to our Faerie Fee Fund you are most welcome to do so. To make a contribution, include the extra funds when you pay your registration fee. Your Queen Roosters will sort the payment to those in need. Your contribution will be very much appreciated.

Alternative Accommodation

If staying in a tent or communal space simply isn’t you, then just 10 minutes’ walk across the paddocks on the same property is a B&B run by Tinker’s mum Jenny. If you want to stay there you’ll need to make your booking directly with Jenny but we can put you in touch with her. The cost of that is additional to the registration fee for the gathering and we can’t offer any discount on registration for people staying at Jenny’s.

Helper Roles

Gatherings can be a lot of work so we would love some extra help! Let us know on your registration form if you think you could be any of the following...

Chime’n’Time Faeries: A faerie for each day that can keep an eye on the clock and provide timely alerts for workshops and rituals, enabling people to make the most out of scheduled offerings. 

For the rest of the roles, we would ideally have faeries that are present for the entire gathering. We encourage these faeries to delegate but would love them to take primary responsibility for keeping things ticking...

Tidy Faerie: Someone to keep an eye on the various spaces and recruit others into cleaning action when the chaos and clutter gets a bit much! Abandoned costumes, suspicious towels and wayward drinking vessels will all be in your domain.

Toilet Faerie: You’ll be responsible for keeping the toilets fresh and functional.

Kitchen Witch: 1 or 2 people with experience catering for lots of people, that can make sure each meal team knows kitchen logistics, supplies available, food allergies etc (but they won’t be resonsible for cooking every meal...)

Breakfast Faerie: A reliable early riser to ensure breakfast is on the table in time for morning heart circles. 

Fire-bath faerie: Someone that can keep the fire-baths running smoothly and well stocked with fuel.

Alcohol Policy

We operate a sober space and ask you to abstain from alcohol and drugs in order to remain present and respectful to ourselves and to each other. Mainstream gay community spaces typically include alcohol, and part of the goal of the faeries is to provide a space that is alternative to this. There will be a separate smoking space for tobacco users and we ask you to not smoke anywhere else around the house and gathering spaces.

What to bring

Most people will be camping – so please be aware you will need to bring everything to make your stay comfortable.
- Tent (if you haven’t got one, contact us—we’ll come up with something).
- Bedding: pillows, sleeping bags, blankets, mattress (we may have a limited number of foam mattresses available)
- Outdoor clothes and footwear (there are thistles if walking around the farm) and cold weather gear (just in case!)
- Anything needed to run your own workshop/build an altar/create a space!
- Torch/head torch with batteries/charge
- Eating utensils: cutlery, plate, bowl, cup
- Towels for the beach, and swimwear if you need it
- Biodegradable/eco friendly hygiene products
- Suncream and sun hat, umbrellas are also good for shade
- Home baking and snacks to share
- Costumes, drag
- Musical instruments
- Games, decorations and art supplies
We are a 30-minute drive from any shop so bear this in mind before you arrive! Any questions, contact your Queen Roosters. 

Please follow the link and complete the form to register for this event:


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Zoomorphism Post-Summer Solstice Gathering
to Dec 31

Zoomorphism Post-Summer Solstice Gathering

  • otangaroa new zealand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Zoomorphism Faerie Gathering is for gay/bi/pan/queer/trans men at Otangaroa, Whangaroa, Far North, Aotearoa/New Zealand. It is the final gathering for 2019, so get your pagan on and celebrate the solstice Fae-style.

Radical Faeries Aotearoa/New Zealand (RadFaeNZ) gleefully invite you to join us in celebrating post-Summer solstice at Otangaroa on the edge and in the rainforest (the big news is critically endangered native long-tailed bats have been recorded here since last years’ gathering!).

Your Queen Rooster and point of contact for the event is Witchy aka Jake Clarke - invocations can be emailed to radfaenz@gmail.com but most stuff will be covered in the registration form at the bottom of this page.

The gathering begins with an evening meal and the opening ritual on Friday 27th December and ends after breakfast and the closing ritual on 31st December. This allows people to travel up on 27th December. If you would like to come early to help set up the gathering then please speak to Witchy on when to arrive.

Carpooling is highly encouraged and Witchy can help direct this traffic.

What is a gathering?
Faerie gatherings are a time of creating community - as we embrace each other as fellow freaks, friends and lovers and men who love men. It is an opportunity to leave the concrete jungle behind, be present with each other and get back to nature. The retreat is based on international Faerie traditions where activities and workshops are co-created. Anybody can propose and lead a workshop, ritual or other activity.
This year’s theme is Zoomorphism. As the human existence hurtles forward into a technological frenzy of consumerism and detachment from the natural world, we often leave animals, nature and other beings we share our planet within our wake, struggling to survive. We invite you to invoke your inner animal, animals or even possibly a chimera. Feel free to come prepared with an animal or creature in mind or maybe allow one to burst out of you mid-gathering. What does your inner animal say about yourself?
There will be spaces for workshops and discussions on the topic of Zoomorphism. Do you have a workshop that could contribute to this theme or not related at all? We encourage you to express your animal’s self in whichever way you feel inspired to, dress up, slither, crawl or even let loose a mating call as the moon rises.

The Otangaroa gathering site is private, clothing-optional and eco-friendly with an open kitchen and fire pit. It’s off the beaten track 14 km down a gravel rural road inland from Whangaroa Harbour – that’s a 4.5 hour drive north of Auckland. The closest small towns are Mangonui and Kaeo.
Guests will need to bring tents to be erected on the edge or in the rainforest or camp among the fruit forest/orchard areas. There are composting toilets with great views, we’ll cook on a BBQ and bathing will be next to the creek that weaves through the forest (ie no showers). You’ll need to take out any rubbish you create. There is a sheltered deck lest the weather turn nasty.
Vegan food is provided to honour our animal friends. A group of us are also growing our own veggies to eat at the gathering to reduce waste, carbon footprint etc, do you grow anything in abundance that we can buy off you? We would rather spend the gathering money on other faeries produce than at a supermarket. (Donations are also greatly appreciated).
There is no cold storage available – except for popping things to cool in the creek. We’ll do the cooking communally. Please note that Otangaroa is a dog-free venue because there are kiwi where we’ll be camping.

The base registration fee for the gathering is $100 to cover the cost of food. Contact us at radfaenz@gmail.com to register.

Faerie Fee Fund
We operate a ‘NOTALOF’ policy (no one turned away for lack of funds). If the registration and accommodation cost is a problem please contact your Queen Rooster (Witchy aka Jake Clarke) register at radfaenz@gmail.com and we will sort the payment for you.

Alcohol Policy
In order to remain present and respectful to ourselves and each other, this will be a strictly recreational drugs and alcohol-free gathering.

Link to Registration.

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RadFaeNZ Beltane Gathering at Autumn Farm
to Oct 28

RadFaeNZ Beltane Gathering at Autumn Farm

RadFaeNZ Beltane Gathering at Autumn Farm – 24 to 28 October 2019

A gathering for gay/bi/pan/queer/cis/trans men and trans-masculine people.

Radical Faeries Aotearoa/New Zealand (RadFaeNZ) warmly invite you to join us in celebrating Beltane at Autumn Farm, home to our esteemed hosts: Peter Findlayson and Pete Banham (Twitter). The gathering begins with the evening meal and opening ritual on Thursday 24 October and ends after breakfast and the closing ritual on Monday 28 October.

** Here's the link to registerhttps://forms.gle/2ZK6ho3jcGfA9zjU7 **

What is a gathering?

Faerie gatherings are a time of creating community -- as we embrace each other as friends and lovers and men who love men. It is an opportunity to leave the concrete jungle behind and be present with each other. The retreat is based on international Faerie traditions where activities and workshops are co-created. Anybody can propose and lead a workshop, ritual or other activity.


Beltane is a Gaelic festival held in the halfway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. It marks the beginning of summer where rituals are performed to protect the crops and people and to encourage growth. We invite participants in particular to reflect on and be inspired by the themes of new beginnings and abundance of the inner world of our rich queer selves.


Autumn farm is a clothing optional, eco-friendly establishment in Golden Bay; just five minutes from Takaka Village. The lifestyle is eco positive communal facilities with solar water heating, recycling of waste and inclusive social atmosphere. This tranquil venue has a bathhouse, composting toilets, and an outdoor fire bath. There is a sheltered deck as well as the mature gardens for gatherings, rituals, and other activities. Vegetarian food is provided and we’ll do the cooking communally. (Please note that Autumn Farm is a dog-free venue.)


The base registration fee for the gathering is $120 to cover the cost of food and other expenses for the gathering. You can pay this fee directly to our account 38-9018-0818186-00, account name: RFAERIESNZ (with “Labour wknd” in the reference).

 There is an additional charge for accommodation (see below)


For accommodation, Autumn Farm has camp sites, dorm rooms, cabins, and rooms. The costs are:

Campsite: FREE for the whole weekend.

Dorm room*: $75 per person for the whole weekend

Cabin/room: $175 per cabin/room for the whole weekend

To book your accommodation, please contact Peter and Pete at Autumn Farm directly at:

03 525 9013 or  stay@autumnfarm.com

and ask for the rate for the Faerie Gathering during Labour weekend.

 *There are two dorm rooms, one with beds with bedding included. The other is “Marae-Style” with mattresses on the floor where you would need to bring your own sleeping bag. If you don’t have one let the Queen Registrar know and we’ll sort something out for you.

Faerie Fee Fund

We operate a ‘NOTAFLOF’ policy (no one turned away for lack of funds). If the registration and accommodation cost is a problem please contact your Queen registrar radfaenz@gmail.com  and we will sort the payment for you.

Alcohol Policy

We strongly suggest you abstain from recreational drugs and alcohol during the gathering in order to remain present and respectful to ourselves and to each other. Mainstream gay events typically include alcohol (for better or worse); part of the goal of the faeries is to provide a space that is alternative the mainstream. 

Warm regards,

Moose, your Queen Registrar

(I’m on Facebook as Moose in’Newzealand)

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Warm regards,

Moose, your Queen Registrar

(I’m on Facebook as Moose in’Newzealand)

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RadFANZ Autumn Equinox Gathering 2019: Altar Raising
to Mar 25

RadFANZ Autumn Equinox Gathering 2019: Altar Raising

  • North Island New Zealand (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Radical Faeries Aotearoa/New Zealand (Radfanz) warmly invite you to join us in celebrating the first gathering of 2019, ‘Altar Raising’. This theme pays homage to the power that altars can bring into our lives; to anchor and solidify through a physical structure an aspiration, a value, an archetype; to call forth powers and strengths we didn’t know we had from the depths of our individual and collective psyche, both in the heat of celebration with others, and in quiet solitary reflection.

This gathering celebrates the Autumn Equinox event known as Mabon; the first of two moments within the year when day and night are of equal length, during which we may reflect upon our own inner balance. As we cross the threshold into the darker months, we draw on the warmth and light of fire to guide us softly toward winter. Also a time of harvest and preservation, both of the fruits of the earth and our own sacred offerings, we recognise our ability to share these harvests with each other and papatūānuku.

In the spirit of this sharing and the archetype of the Sacred Androgyne we open this invitation to gender-diverse folks across the LGBTQI community. The alchemy of androgyny welds together the poles of the ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ and creates something both different and greater than the sum of its parts; a queer wholeness that transcends traditional binary ideals. With these ideas we seek to build a community that facilitates tolerance, optimism, self-expression and radical self-acceptance.

The sanctuary Wolf Creek of Oregon has some 60 altars, celebrating everything from the moon and stars, to the dead dog and punk rock. The subjects of the altars we raise are yet to be determined and will be responsive to the fae communities’ conversation and input. We look forward to anchoring the altar through stone and wood in celebration of the landscape and whenua.

We welcome you to gather at Faenua, a farm and dedicated faerie space near Raglan, Waikato. The gathering begins with an evening meal and the opening ritual on Wednesday 20th March 2019, and ends after breakfast and the closing ritual on the morning of Monday 25th March 2019. You’re welcome to arrive any time on Wednesday, or if you’re available to assist with setup in the week prior to the gathering please message Kayda directly. For those who don’t need to rush away, we like a long tail on the gathering and so welcome you to stay for longer.

Your Queen Registrars and points of contact for this event are:
Tony: thornt02@hotmail.com
Kayda: kaydakowhai@gmail.com

Please follow the link and complete the form to register for this event: https://goo.gl/forms/9B7yeYeNw3RJk5uq2

2019 Gathering Call - Altar Pic 3.jpg

What is a gathering?
It’s a time of creating community, a time to connect with the land and the seasons, a time for ritual and meditation, a time for sharing and expression. We embrace each other as friends and lovers. We embrace ourselves as exceptional queers. We embrace the world we inhabit and this planet that gives us life.

The retreat is based on international Faerie traditions of co-creation so anybody can propose and lead whatever workshop, ritual or activity they like. Whether physical or cerebral, structured or chaotic, serious or downright silly - we cherish your varied contributions and the sky really is the limit here.

Heart Circles, usually held each morning, are spaces for sharing and active listening that are integral to the Faerie experience.

The ‘Talent/No-Talent’ (TNT) show (a gala in the loosest sense) provides a stage for displays of genuine prowess, earnest expression or shambolic spectacle. Conditions permitting there will also be a bonfire night and excursions to local landmarks.

Faenua is a dedicated faerie space situated on 600 acres of rural farmland. It’s a 20 minute walk across the paddocks and down the hill to an effectively private beach. We’ll be sleeping in the tents we set up around the homestead and permaculture garden. There are a limited number of beds available indoors for those most in need. As well as the house there’ll be a marquee as a gathering space, bath house with outdoor and indoor showers, compost toilets and an outdoor fire bath. Vegetarian food is provided and we’ll do the cooking communally.

We’ll send you instructions and a map of how to get there when you register. We encourage people to car share as much as possible and we can facilitate this closer to the event. If you’re using public transport, you’ll need to get to Hamilton and then take the bus to Raglan, there are between 2 and 6 buses per day. From there we should be able to arrange someone to pick you up. www.raglan.net.nz/about-raglan/getting-to-raglan/

Faenua is a clothing optional and body positive space. Our buildings aren’t set up for wheelchair accessibility but there are no stairs and the homestead is relatively flat. We can’t allow anyone to bring dogs, but there will be dogs on the property.

The gathering is an opportunity to leave the concrete jungle behind and be present with each other and on the land. We rely on solar power for lighting – so can’t operate high-wattage appliances like hair dryers, and mobile signal is variable. Camper vans can be accommodated but there are no powered sites.

The registration fee for the gathering is $170 for food and other costs. We’ll publish a statement of accounts for the gathering on our website after the event. If there’s any surplus over $500 we’ll reimburse that pro-rata to registrants.

Faerie Fee Fund
We operate a ‘NOTAFLOF’ policy – no-one turned away for lack of funds. If the registration cost is a problem please contact your co-queen registrars.

Also, if you would like to contribute to our Faerie Fee Fund you are most welcome to do so. To make a contribution, include the extra funds when you pay your registration fee. Your Queen Registrars will sort the payment to those in need. Your contribution will be very much appreciated.

Alternative Accommodation
If staying in a tent simply isn’t you, then just 10 minutes’ walk across the paddocks on the same property is a B&B run by Tinker’s mum Jenny. If you want to stay there you’ll need to make your booking directly with Jenny; Kayda will be able to put you in touch with her. The cost of that is additional to the registration fee for the gathering and we can’t offer any discount on registration for people staying at Jenny’s.

Alcohol Policy
We operate a sober space and ask you to abstain from alcohol and drugs in order to remain present and respectful to ourselves and to each other. Mainstream gay community spaces typically include alcohol (for better or worse); part of the goal of the faeries is to provide a space that is alternative to this.

Included in the price are 3 vegetarian meals a day, and these can usually be adapted to suit vegans too. If you have any food allergies/special diets please let us know in good time and we will try to accommodate you but we may not be able to cater for everyone’s requirements.

What to bring
Most people will be camping – so please be aware you will need to bring everything to make your stay comfortable.
- Tent (if you haven’t got one, contact us—we’ll come up with something).
- Bedding: pillows, sleeping bags, blankets, mattress
- Outdoor clothes and footwear (there are thistles if walking around the farm) and cold weather gear (just in case!)
- Torch/head torch with batteries/charge
- Eating utensils: cutlery, plate, bowl, cup
- Swimwear and towels for the beach
- Biodegradable hygiene products
- Suncream and sun hat, umbrellas are also good for shade
- Home baking and snacks to share
- Costumes, drag
- Musical instruments
- Games, decorations and art supplies
- Anything for the altars (crystals, candles, lights, whatever you feel is right!)
- Anything needed to run your own workshop!

We are a 30-minute drive from any shop so bear this in mind before you arrive! Any questions, contact your Queen Registrars.

2019 Gathering Call - Altar pic 4.jpg
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6:00 PM18:00

Auckland Heart Circle and Pot Luck Dinner

Heart circle and pot luck dinner for 2019- Auckland

Following in the ancient traditions of our for-brothers - come join us as we create sacred space together, we invite you to come and experience a unique opportunity as we gather to share food, create community and to sit with your gay brothers, as we witnessed each other, hear each other and see each other, while we create a heart circle that nurture our souls

A heart circle is a place for where people meet in sacred space to speak from the heart and be listened to from the heart. Communicating openly this way is a felt experience and an ability developed by taking part in this ritual over time.

Contact Tony on 0210480358 for directions, parking instructions and any other queries. If anyone has any ideas or would like to offer anything please let me know and I’ll help arrange it.

All you need to bring is something to eat and an open heart

This is a drug and alcohol free event.

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