Church of Loving Queers
Faggot Vulnerability..
Sunday July 2nd
11.00am thru 1.00pm
Join The Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 658 973 801
Passcode 3191944
(Image from the Web)
Church of Loving Queers
Faggot Vulnerability..
Sunday July 2nd
11.00am thru 1.00pm
Join The Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 658 973 801
Passcode 3191944
(Image from the Web)
Exploring our Hearts..
Discovering our Vulnerability..
Sunday April 2nd
11.00am thru 1.00pm
Join The Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 658 973 801
Passcode 3191944
(borrowed web image)
This event is limited to 15 people.
Welcome to the first Sweat Lodge Tantra Retreat for Men who love Men 2023: "Living Gay Spirit."
Each Sweat Lodge Tantra Retreat is unique and open to both newcomers and returning retreat participants. This Sweat Lodge Tantra Retreat offers Tantric practices and rituals to support our exploration of embodiment: unifying sexuality and spirituality for men who love men. Conscious Sexuality and Intimacy Facilitator Grant Shepherd will guide us on a journey of tantric exploration, with practices and teachings designed to deepen our connection to our own natural, joyful essence, our "Living Gay Spirit."
The Sweat Lodge Ceremony is a traditional Native American purification ceremony. A ceremony of renewal that brings deep spiritual and physical purification, it is known by the Native American Lakota people as the Inipi ceremony. This sacred ceremony brings healing and new beginnings into our lives.
Our ceremonial facilitators for the sweat lodge are TeRangimarie and Rob Carter, who spent many years participating and leading purification ceremonies under the guidance of respected elders and teachers from North America, Canada, Alaska, and here in New Zealand. TeRangimarie and Rob have a personal commitment to honouring their elders and teachers. They received blessings from their elders and teachers to continue taking on the responsibility of offering these ceremonies in a nurturing and safe place, Manu Wairua retreat. This ceremony is a very enriching and powerful experience that has touched many people in very deep, meaningful ways. TeRangimarie and Rob will skilfully guide us on each step of the sweat lodge journey.
The entire event will be safe space. The exercises will be clothed, consent based, and respectful.
Ceremony and Etiquette: Please try to arrive on time – if you can’t make the 6 pm start time please let Grant know – You are welcome to come earlier. This will allow us time to make introductions and offer preparatory teachings before we go into the sweat lodge. Ceremonial medicines: Tobacco is one of the traditional plant medicines used in the purification sweat lodge. Tobacco is the plant medicine traditionally offered to the Elder running the ceremony. It is used by the Elder as an offering to the Creator and the Spirit Helpers asking for healing and protection for themselves and those attending the ceremony. Tobacco holds a spiritual energy and is known by some Native Elders as “The Grandmother who brings ‘the honouring to the ceremony’”. It is customary to gift a pouch of tobacco to the Lodge Elder as an honouring for hosting the ceremony. If coming as a group one pouch is acceptable, handed to the Elder before the ceremony on behalf of those attending. This will be taken care of by Grant.
About Manu Wairua : Created as a spiritual retreat 22 years ago, the accommodation space is a renovated and comfortable woolshed with fully equipped kitchen, bathroom with shower, outdoor outhouse toilets, and a large outdoor deck with BBQ. It sleeps up to 15 with a combination of beds, couches, and air mattresses on the floor, or you are welcome to bring a tent and camp on the land—please note if camping you will still be charged the accommodation fee.
Things to know:
· The property is alcohol and drug free. Please refrain from drugs or alcohol at least 48hrs before and after the ceremony. · What to wear into the lodge. Our teachings are from traditional ways. Men wear shorts or sarong, a t-shirt is optional; please refrain from nudity.
· Please bring your own bedding (we supply bottom sheet, pillow with pillowcase.)
· Bring a towel for a shower after the lodge. ·Bring shared snacks for the time you are here.
Financial contribution: $375:00 per person (all inclusive of tuition, wood and resources for ceremonies, accommodation, and food. Please note accommodation includes tents and lodge (kura) beds.)
· Please note that at times retreat registration may rise slightly due to increases in food, tobacco, fuel, accommodation etc. These events will always be fairly priced to help people attend, observing the guideline of "right livelihood" in service to the gay community. In alignment with the values of classical tantra, these events are created in the spirit of service rather than commercial gain.
Please contact Grant directly for registration payment details.
If you wish to attend, but the registration fee at this time is an issue for you, you are most welcome to contact him directly to discuss other options:
Email: newconsciouspathways@gmail.com
You are warmly invited to join us for this Sweat Lodge Tantra Retreat: "Living Gay Spirit."
Exploring our Hearts..
Discovering our Vulnerability..
Sunday March 12th
7.00 pm thru 9.00 pm
Join The Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 658 973 801
(borrowed web image)
Exploring our Hearts..
Discovering our Vulnerability..
Sunday March 5th
7.00 pm thru 9.00 pm
Join The Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 658 973 801
(borrowed web image)
Exploring our Hearts..
Discovering our Vulnerability..
Sunday February 26th
7.00 pm thru 9.00 pm
Join The Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 658 973 801
(borrowed web image)
Exploring our Hearts..
Discovering our Vulnerability..
Sunday February 18th
7.00 pm thru 9.00 pm
Join The Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 658 973 801
(borrowed image)
Exploring our Hearts..
Discovering our Vulnerability..
Sunday February 12th
7.00 pm thru 9.00 pm
Join The Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 658 973 801
(borrowed image from FB)
Art by Richard Vyse
Faerie Heart Circle
Come share your heart.. in support of Self and our Fellow Fae
Faerie Zoom Heart Circle
Sunday September 26th
4.00 pm through 6.00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 658 973 8015
Passcode: 3191944
Tēnā tātou e te iwi i tēnei wā huruhuru. Ngā mihi o te Mahuru Māori, te wiki o te reo Māori hoki. Kia kaha tātou ki te kōrero, ki te whakanui i tō tātou reo Māori.
Nau mai, haere mi ki tēnei 'Porowhita Ngākau' nō Jade Heart rāua ko Donchaluvit - "Supporting our Fae Friends in Lockdown" mō tātou te iwi.
Faerie Zoom Heart Circle
Recurring Every Sunday until further notice - 4.00 pm through to 6.00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 658 973 8015
Passcode: 3191944
Nau mai, haere mai, hoki mai.
Kia tau te rangimārie kei runga i a koutou (especially to our friends in Tāmaki Makaurau. XX)
Jade Heart and Doncha Lovit are offering ongoing online Zoom Heart Circles, starting this coming Sunday from 4:00pm until 6:30pm.
All Faeries welcome to attend. Bring your open heart to share and hold space with each other. First timers welcome.
Copy the following into you browser to join the meeting:
If you have any difficulties, please contact Jade or Doncha to get the Zoom invitation emailed directly to you (or here, via admin).
Zoom Faerie Heart Circle for Lockdown
Sunday 5 September 4:00pm
Jade Heart and Doncha Lovit are offering ongoing Zoom Heart Circles.
Sunday from 4:00pm until 6:30pm.
Bring your Open Heart to Share. All Faeries & First Timers Welcome.
Copy the following into you browser to join the meeting:
Meeting ID: 658 973 8015
Passcode: 3191944
If you have any difficulties, please contact Jade or Doncha to get the invitation emailed directly (...or message here - eg contact RadFANZ admin for their contact details)
Yoo Hoo! Radfae Zoom Heart Circle - Sunday 29 August
Jade Heart and Doncha Lovit are offering an online Zoom Heart Circle this coming Sunday from 4:00pm until 6:30pm.
All Faeries welcome to attend. Bring your open heart to share and
hold space with each other. First timers welcome.
Time: Aug 29, 2021 04:00 PM Auckland, Wellington
Copy the following into you browser to join the meeting:
Meeting ID: 845 1209 6676
Passcode: 7aSuyb
If you have any difficulties, please contact Jade or Doncha to get
the Zoom invitation emailed directly to you.
(or contact me, admin, to give you their contact details!)
Twice Monthly Sunday Faerie Heart Circles in Auckland
Jade Heart and Doncha Lovit are now hosting regular afternoon
Heart Circles in their new home in Glen Eden two Sundays every
month. Circles start promptly at 4:00pm and finish at 6:30pm at
the latest.
Shared Snacks.
All Faeries and friends welcome to attend. Bring your open heart
to share and hold space with each other.
First timers are welcome.
Contact Jade or Doncha if you need address or directions.
Pick up available at the Glen Eden or New Lynn train stations on
the Western Line.
It will be possible for a few people to participate via Zoom if they
make contact beforehand to set that up.
Dates through September are:
18 July
1, 22 August
12, 26 September
Jade Heart: 0278128006. Gregoryhugh@yahoo.com
Doncha Lovit: 0278022735. Johnswaner@yahoo.com
Welcome to the Conscious Sexuality Tantra Sweat Lodge Retreat for Men who love Men:
Living With Heart
· Do you desire true intimacy and self-acceptance?
· Does the mystery and wisdom of tantra excite you?
· Do you want to know what Living with Heart could mean for you and your life?
In this residential retreat for single and partnered men who love men, you will discover:
· Kundalini, the tantric Heart energy, and how it can deepen your experience of intimate expression.
· Classical tantric teachings on pleasure, joy, wisdom and play.
· Authentic and practical tantric practices to work with, both at the retreat and at home, to deepen your experience of true intimacy and self-acceptance.
Tantric Teachings:
In this interactive and fun retreat, Conscious Sexuality teacher Grant Shepherd will guide us in a shared exploration of Living with Heart and what it might mean for us as men who love men. Together we’ll explore Heart-centred classical Tantric technology to deepen our intimate connection with ourselves and others. The entire retreat is sacred safe space; all exercises will be consent based and respectful at all times. Bring your curiosity, willingness to share, and sense of fun and play!
The Sweat Lodge:
The retreat will culminate in us entering the Heart in a traditional Sweat Lodge, a ceremony of purification and renewal. This sacred ceremony brings healing, blessings, and new beginnings into our lives. Our ceremonial facilitators are TeRangimarie and Rob Carter, who spent many years participating and leading purification ceremonies under the guidance of respected elders and teachers from North America, Canada, Alaska, and here in New Zealand.
TeRangimarie and Rob have a personal commitment to honouring their elders and teachers and received blessings from them to offer these ceremonies at Manu Wairua, a nurturing, peaceful place of retreat. TeRangimarie and Rob will skilfully guide us on each step of the sweat lodge journey.
About Manu Wairua Retreat :
TeRangimarie and Rob created their property as a spiritual retreat 22 years ago. The accommodation space is a renovated and comfortable woolshed with fully equipped kitchen, bathroom with shower, outdoor outhouse toilets, and a large outdoor deck with BBQ. It sleeps up to 15 with a combination of beds, couches, and air mattresses on the floor, or you are welcome to bring a tent and camp on the land—please note if camping you will still be charged the accommodation fee.
Things to know:
The property is alcohol and drug free. Please refrain from drugs or alcohol at least 48hrs before and after the retreat and ceremony. This will ensure you mind and body are clear so you can receive maximum benefit from your time on retreat.
What to wear into the lodge:
Our teachings are from traditional ways. Men wear shorts or sarong; a t-shirt is optional. Please refrain from nudity.
What to bring:
· A sacred item for our altar co-creation.
· A white sage bundle for your own personal sweat lodge offering.
· Anything you need for your personal wellbeing: toiletries, medication, earplugs, bug repellent, etc.
· Your own bedding (we supply bottom sheet, pillow with pillowcase.)
· A towel for a shower after the lodge.
· Shared snacks for the time you are here.
Sweat Lodge Tobacco Offering:
Ceremonial medicines: Tobacco is one of the traditional plant medicines used in the sweat lodge and is traditionally offered to the Elder running the ceremony. The Elder offers it on all our behalf, asking for healing and protection, as an offering to the Creator and the Spirit Helpers. Tobacco holds a spiritual energy and is known by some Native Elders as “The Grandmother who brings ‘the honouring to the ceremony’”. It is customary to gift a pouch of tobacco to the Lodge Elder as an honouring for hosting the ceremony. Grant will offer this on behalf of all attending the retreat.
Registration Fee (all inclusive: accommodation, meals, tuition, tobacco offering, pipe ceremony, and sweat lodge:)
Please contact Grant directly for registration payment details.
If you wish to attend, but registration at this time is an issue for you, you are most welcome to contact him directly to discuss other options:
Email: newconsciouspathways@gmail.com
We warmly invite you to join us on this sacred Tantric journey to Living with Heart.
I invite you to join me as we explore the realm of conscious touch, during covid19, isolation and social distancing become our new normal, many of us weren’t even able to touch. These restrictions ignited my longing for touch, I had taken the touch I received for granted so I’m creating regular space for men to experience touch, while learning conscious ways of giving and receiving it – lets discover our bliss together.
We are often starved of touch, our individualistic culture can result in physical and emotional isolation from others, people can become so isolated from others they become afraid of touch, which can translate into severe physical and emotional illness. A person’s level of concern about being touched is almost always proportional to their need for it.
There is a deeply sacred dimension to touch, and therefore, a ritual that authorizes people to touch one another allows them to relax into the sacredness of touch. My desire is to reacquaint people with the sacredness of touch. Human hands carry a huge amount of healing energy, provided that one is aware of the kind of energetic alignment that must accompany their touch.
What is find your bliss about:
Come and explore your bliss – together we will create a container that holds space for Eros (sensual energy) deliberately moving away from sexual energy so we can slow everything down and really get in touch with our bodies – by learning Neo Tantric techniques that help support the nervous system to down regulate we are able to truly feel embodied, which allows us to fully access and find our bliss.
Bliss, takes us on a voyage of embodied discovery – which culminates in a multi handed consensual massage – where we as men use the healing touch of our hands to create deeper levels of intimacy with our brothers and hold each other in sacredness.
What will you learn?
Learn about your energetic and physical boundaries
Explore your bodies yes and no’s
Tantric breathe exercises to down regulate the nervous system
Discover new ways of being intimacy
Receive nourishment for the soul
Experience a heart based day and explore your bliss
This is a men with love men only event – Regardless of sexual orientation
Frequently asked questions:
Do I have to be naked?
No ! But please be aware clothing is optional. Within your pods – you choose what is comfortable for you –– we encourage you to never do anything outside your consent.
Are we going to have sex?
No ! Not during the workshop – together we are holding space for sensual Eros
What happens if I get aroused?
Arousal is normal - this is a body positive workshop, everything is welcome there is no shame in being aroused.
Can I come with my partner?
Yes Absolutely – you are welcome to work together or separate with others if that’s your desire
Can I come alone?
Yes Absolutely – you will be paired up into different pods throughout the day to experience working with all types.
Do I have to have massage experience?
No – just arrival with an open curiosity
What happens if I don’t want to do one of the exercises or be touched during the massage?
We never ask you to do anything outside your consent – however what we do ask is that you breathe, stay present and remain in the space until the exercise is complete.
What happens if I’m paired up with someone I don’t like?
We encourage you to experience the gifts you will receive from working with someone you don’t like – they are always a reflection of what we don’t like within yourselves.
What happens if I’m seriously triggered?
Please speak up and let someone know.
If anyone attending this workshop has experienced physical or emotional abuse.
Has mental illness concerns
Mobility concerns
Or anything you think we should know – please advise us before you start the workshop.
What to bring
An open heart willing to be curious
Please eat lunch before you arrive – but bring anything you need to keep yourself nourished during the day
Coffee and tea will be provided
Food for a shared dinner at 6 – there is a kitchen for anything that needs to be chilled or heated
Towels – Sarong
Bottle water
Any sacred items you would like to place on the alter
Anything you need to create a safe comfortable space
Date and Time:
Sunday 19th June 2021
12 Noon–8pm
Please arrive 15 mins early to settle into the space - don’t be late as the doors will be locked at 12.15
$175.00 PER PERSON
Bank account
ANZ - 01-0186-0410824-46
Reference Bliss
Contact Information
Tony Thorn
heart circle followed by pot-luck and games or whatever you want to bring/create afterwards xx
Use contact form for exact whereabouts! : )
Welcome to the first Sweat Lodge Tantra Retreat for Gay Men 2021: "The Body Sacred."
This Sweat Lodge Tantra Retreat offers Tantric practices and rituals to support our exploration of The Body Sacred: exploring the mysteries of the tantric approach to the body and embodiment.
Each Sweat Lodge Tantra Retreat is unique and open to both newcomers and returning retreat participants. The Sweat Lodge Ceremony is a traditional Native American purification ceremony. A ceremony of renewal that brings deep spiritual and physical purification, it is known by the Native American Lakota people as the Inipi ceremony. This sacred ceremony brings healing and new beginnings into our lives.
Our ceremonial facilitators for the sweat lodge are TeRangimarie and Rob Carter, who spent many years participating and leading purification ceremonies under the guidance of respected elders and teachers from North America, Canada, Alaska, and here in New Zealand. TeRangimarie and Rob have a personal commitment to honouring their elders and teachers. They received blessings from their elders and teachers to continue taking on the responsibility of offering these ceremonies in a nurturing and safe place, Manu Wairua retreat. This ceremony is a very enriching and powerful experience that has touched many people in very deep, meaningful ways. TeRangimarie and Rob will skilfully guide us on each step of the sweat lodge journey.
Grant Shepherd and Tony Thorn join TeRangimarie and Rob as co-creators of this event. Grant and Tony offer a specific focus and intention for this Sweat Lodge Tantra Retreat: "The Body Sacred." Over the course of the weekend we will explore what this means to us as men who love men.
Grant and Tony have much experience in the field of tantra, and will teach time-honoured tantric techniques to deepen your connection to your body and sacred embodiment. The entire event will be safe space. The exercises will be clothed, consent based, and respectful.
Ceremony and Etiquette: Please try to arrive on time – if you can’t make the 6 pm registrations please let us know – You are welcome to come earlier. This will allow us time to make introductions and offer preparatory teachings before we go into the sweat lodge. Ceremonial medicines: Tobacco is one of the traditional plant medicines used in the purification sweat lodge. Tobacco is the plant medicine traditionally offered to the Elder running the ceremony. It is used by the Elder as an offering to the Creator and the Spirit Helpers asking for healing and protection for themselves and those attending the ceremony. Tobacco holds a spiritual energy and is known by some Native Elders as “The Grandmother who brings ‘the honouring to the ceremony’”. It is customary to gift a pouch of tobacco to the Lodge Elder as an honouring for hosting the ceremony. If coming as a group one pouch is acceptable, handed to the Elder before the ceremony on behalf of those attending. This will be taken care of by Grant and Tony.
About Manu Wairua : TeRangimarie and Rob created their property as a spiritual retreat 22 years ago. The accommodation space is a renovated and comfortable woolshed with fully equipped kitchen, bathroom with shower, outdoor outhouse toilets, and a large outdoor deck with BBQ. It sleeps up to 15 with a combination of beds, couches, and air mattresses on the floor, or you are welcome to bring a tent and camp on the land—please note if camping you will still be charged the accommodation fee. Things to know: · The property is alcohol and drug free. Please refrain from drugs or alcohol at least 48hrs before and after the ceremony. · What to wear into the lodge. Our teachings are from traditional ways. Men wear shorts or sarong, a t-shirt is optional; please refrain from nudity. If staying over: · Please bring your own bedding (we supply bottom sheet, pillow with pillowcase.) · Bring a towel for a shower after the lodge. ·Bring shared snacks for the time you are here.
We invite you to join us on this sacred Sweat Lodge Tantra Retreat: "The Body Sacred."
Financial contribution: Total: $250:00 per person – this includes all rituals and teachings, the sweat lodge, accommodation, and food. Please note accommodation includes tents and lodge (kura) beds.
Please contact Grant or Tony for account details for registration. When: Friday 7th May 2021 at 6pm Where: Manu Wairua Retreat, 2197 Waingaro Rd, Ngaruawahia (before Waingaro Hot Springs).
For any other information, please contact either Grant newconsciouspathways@gmail.com 027-2233777 Tony Thornt02@hotmail.com 0210480358
Welcome to the first Sweat Lodge Retreat for Gay Men 2021: Vision Quest
The passage of time and demands of daily life can result in a sense of loss… loss of the sense of wonder experienced as a child… loss of dreams once so important… lapsing of a commitment to a path, purpose, or practice.
In a vision quest, the rules, roles, and routines of normal life are left behind, and — in both simple and profound ways — we experience a resetting of our compass, a renewal of the core truths and commitments that serve to guide us through life.
This retreat combines shamanic rituals to support your vision quest, combined with a powerful sweat lodge and tantric teachings to explore the mysteries of resetting one’s self.
Each Sweat Lodge Retreat is unique and open to both newcomers and returning retreat participants. The Sweat Lodge Ceremony is a traditional Native American purification ceremony. A ceremony of renewal that brings deep spiritual and physical purification, it is known by the Native American Lakota people as the Inipi ceremony. This sacred ceremony brings healing and new beginnings into our lives. Our ceremonial facilitators for the sweat lodge are TeRangimarie and Rob Carter, who spent many years participating and leading purification ceremonies under the guidance of respected elders and teachers from North America, Canada, Alaska, and here in New Zealand. TeRangimarie and Rob have a personal commitment to honouring their elders and teachers. They received blessings from their elders and teachers to continue taking on the responsibility of offering these ceremonies in a nurturing and safe place, Manu Wairua retreat. This ceremony is a very enriching and powerful experience that has touched many people in very deep, meaningful ways. TeRangimarie and Rob will skilfully guide us on each step of the sweat lodge journey.
Grant Shepherd and Tony Thorn join TeRangimarie and Rob as co-creators of this event.
Grant and Tony offer a specific focus and intention for this sweat lodge: Vision quest for Gay Men: Over the course of the weekend we will explore the experience of your vision and what this means to us as gay men. Grant and Tony have much experience in the field of shamanic and tantra and will teach time-honoured techniques to deepen our connection to your vision quest. The entire event will be safe space. The exercises will be clothed, consent based, and respectful.
Ceremony and Etiquette: Please try to arrive on time – if you can’t make the 6 pm registrations please let us know – You are welcome to come earlier. This will allow us time to make introductions and offer preparatory teachings before we go into the sweat lodge.
Ceremonial medicines: Tobacco is one of the traditional plant medicines used in the purification sweat lodge. Tobacco is the plant medicine traditionally offered to the Elder running the ceremony. It is used by the Elder as an offering to the Creator and the Spirit Helpers asking for healing and protection for themselves and those attending the ceremony. Tobacco holds a spiritual energy and is known by some Native Elders as “The Grandmother who brings ‘the honouring to the ceremony’”. It is customary to gift a pouch of tobacco to the Lodge Elder as an honouring for hosting the ceremony. If coming as a group one pouch is acceptable, handed to the Elder before the ceremony on behalf of those attending. This will be taken care of by Grant and Tony.
About Manu Wairua : TeRangimarie and Rob created their property as a spiritual retreat 22 years ago. The accommodation space is a renovated and comfortable woolshed with fully equipped kitchen, bathroom with shower, outdoor outhouse toilets, and a large outdoor deck with BBQ. It sleeps up to 15 with a combination of beds, couches, and air mattresses on the floor, or you are welcome to bring a tent and camp on the land—please note if camping you will still be charged the accommodation fee. Things to know: · The property is alcohol and drug free. Please refrain from drugs or alcohol at least 48hrs before and after the ceremony. · What to wear into the lodge. Our teachings are from traditional ways. Men wear shorts or sarong, a t-shirt is optional; please refrain from nudity. If staying over: · Please bring your own bedding (we supply bottom sheet, pillow with pillowcase.) · Bring a towel for a shower after the lodge. ·Bring shared snacks for the time you are here.
We invite you to join us on this sacred Vision Quest.
Financial contribution:
Total: $250:00 per person – this includes all rituals and teachings, the sweat lodge, accommodation, and food.
Please note accommodation includes tents and lodge beds – first in first served for the lodge.
Please contact Grant or Tony for account details for registration.
When: Friday 5th February 2021 at 6pm
Where: Manu Wairua Retreat,
2197 Waingaro Rd, Ngaruawahia (before Waingaro Hot Springs).
For any other information, please contact either
*Note: Time of event not yet confirmed (Times listed are not the actual times)
Finding your bliss
Sacred touch for men
I invite you to join me as we explore the realm of conscious touch, during covid19, isolation and social distancing become our new normal, many of us weren’t even able to touch. These restrictions ignited my longing for touch, I had taken the touch I received for granted so I’m creating regular space for men to experience touch, while learning conscious ways of giving and receiving it – lets discover our bliss together.
We are often starved of touch, our individualistic culture can result in physical and emotional isolation from others, people can become so isolated from others they become afraid of touch, which can translate into severe physical and emotional illness. A person’s level of concern about being touched is almost always proportional to their need for it.
There is a deeply sacred dimension to touch, and therefore, a ritual that authorizes people to touch one another allows them to relax into the sacredness of touch. My desire is to reacquaint people with the sacredness of touch. Human hands carry a huge amount of healing energy, provided that one is aware of the kind of energetic alignment that must accompany their touch.
What is find your bliss about:
Come and explore your bliss – together we will create a container that holds space for Eros (sensual energy) deliberately moving away from sexual energy so we can slow everything down and really get in touch with our bodies – by learning Neo Tantric techniques that help support the nervous system to down regulate we are able to truly feel embodied, which allows us to fully access and find our bliss.
Bliss, takes us on a voyage of embodied discovery – which culminates in a multi handed consensual massage – where we as men use the healing touch of our hands to create deeper levels of intimacy with our brothers and hold each other in sacredness.
What will you learn?
Learn about your energetic and physical boundaries
Explore your bodies yes and no’s
Tantric breathe exercises to down regulate the nervous system
Discover new ways of being intimacy
Receive nourishment for the soul
Experience a heart based day and explore your bliss
This is a men with love men only event – Regardless of sexual orientation
Frequently asked questions:
Do I have to be naked?
No ! But please be aware clothing is optional. Within your pods – you choose what is comfortable for you –– we encourage you to never do anything outside your consent.
Are we going to have sex?
No ! Not during the workshop – together we are holding space for sensual Eros
What happens if I get aroused?
Arousal is normal - this is a body positive workshop, everything is welcome there is no shame in being aroused.
Can I come with my partner?
Yes Absolutely – you are welcome to work together or separate with others if that’s your desire
Can I come alone?
Yes Absolutely – you will be paired up into different pods throughout the day to experience working with all types.
Do I have to have massage experience?
No – just arrival with an open curiosity
What happens if I don’t want to do one of the exercises or be touched during the massage?
We never ask you to do anything outside your consent – however what we do ask is that you breathe, stay present and remain in the space until the exercise is complete.
What happens if I’m paired up with someone I don’t like?
We encourage you to experience the gifts you will receive from working with someone you don’t like – they are always a reflection of what we don’t like within yourselves.
What happens if I’m seriously triggered?
Please speak up and let someone know.
If anyone attending this workshop has experienced physical or emotional abuse.
Has mental illness concerns
Mobility concerns
Or anything you think we should know – please advise us before you start the workshop.
What to bring
An open heart willing to be curious
Please eat lunch before you arrive – but bring anything you need to keep yourself nourished during the day
Coffee and tea will be provided
Food for a shared dinner at 6 – there is a kitchen for anything that needs to be chilled or heated
Towels – Sarong
Bottle water
Any sacred items you would like to place on the alter
Anything you need to create a safe comfortable space
Date and Time
Sunday the 21st February 2021
12 Noon– 10pm
Please arrive 15 mins early to settle into the space - don’t be late as the doors will be locked at 12
$175.00 PER PERSON
Bank account
ANZ - 01-0186-0410824-46
Reference Bliss
Contact Information
Tony Thorn
Conscious Sexuality Retreat for Gay Men: Entering the Heart
This event is limited to 22 people.
Welcome to our second Sweat Lodge Conscious Sexuality Retreat for Gay Men: Entering the Heart. This retreat combines the powerful ritual of the sweat lodge with profound tantric teachings to explore the mysteries of the Heart.
Each Sweat Lodge Conscious Sexuality Retreat is unique and open both to newcomers and returning retreat participants.
The Sweat Lodge Ceremony is a traditional Native American purification ceremony. A ceremony of renewal that brings deep spiritual and physical purification, it is known by the Native American Lakota people as the Inipi ceremony. This sacred ceremony brings healing and new beginnings into our lives. Our ceremonial facilitators for the sweat lodge are TeRangimarie and Rob Carter, who spent many years participating and leading purification ceremonies under the guidance of respected elders and teachers from North America, Canada, Alaska, and here in New Zealand. TeRangimarie and Rob have a personal commitment to honouring their elders and teachers. They received blessings from their elders and teachers to continue taking on the responsibility of offering these ceremonies in a nurturing and safe place, Manu Wairua retreat. This ceremony is a very enriching and powerful experience that has touched many people in very deep, meaningful ways. TeRangimarie and Rob will skilfully guide us on each step of the sweat lodge journey. Grant Shepherd and Tony Thorn join TeRangimarie and Rob as co-creators of this event. Grant and Tony offer a specific focus for this sweat lodge: Conscious Sexuality for Gay Men: Entering the Heart. Over the course of the weekend we will explore the experience of the Heart and what this means to us as gay men. Grant and Tony have much experience in the field of tantra and will teach time-honoured tantric techniques to deepen our connection to our Heart Space. The entire event will be safe space. The exercises will be clothed, consent based, and respectful.
Ceremony and Etiquette: Please try to arrive for the ceremony at least 3 hours before the start time if coming on the day of the lodge. You are welcome to come earlier. This will allow us time to make introductions and offer preparatory teachings before we go into the sweat lodge. Ceremonial medicines: Tobacco is one of the traditional plant medicines used in the purification sweat lodge. Tobacco is the plant medicine traditionally offered to the Elder running the ceremony. It is used by the Elder as an offering to the Creator and the Spirit Helpers asking for healing and protection for themselves and those attending the ceremony. Tobacco holds a spiritual energy and is known by some Native Elders as “The Grandmother who brings ‘the honouring to the ceremony’”. It is customary to gift a pouch of tobacco to the Lodge Elder as an honouring for hosting the ceremony. If coming as a group one pouch is acceptable, handed to the Elder before the ceremony on behalf of those attending. This will be taken care of by Grant and Tony. About Manu Wairua : TeRangimarie and Rob created their property as a spiritual retreat 22 years ago. The accommodation space is a renovated and comfortable woolshed with fully equipped kitchen, bathroom with shower, outdoor outhouse toilets, and a large outdoor deck with BBQ. It sleeps up to 15 with a combination of beds, couches, and air mattresses on the floor, or you are welcome to bring a tent and camp on the land—please note if camping you will still be charged the accommodation fee. Things to know: · The property is alcohol and drug free. Please refrain from drugs or alcohol at least 48hrs before and after the ceremony. · What to wear into the lodge. Our teachings are from traditional ways. Men wear shorts or sarong, a t-shirt is optional; please refrain from nudity. Please bring your own bedding (we supply bottom sheet, pillow with pillowcase.) · Bring a towel for a shower after the lodge. ·Bring shared snacks for the time you are here.
We invite you to join us on this sacred journey.
Financial contribution:
$40.00 for the sweat lodge to cover firewood and preparation
$50.00 for the shared accommodation
$40.00 for food
$90 for tuition
Total: $220:00
Please contact Grant for account details for registration.
When: Friday 4 December at 6pm
Where: Manu Wairua Retreat,
2197 Waingaro Rd, Ngaruawahia (before Waingaro Hot Springs).
For any other information, please contact Grant:
This event is limited to 18 people.
Beautiful Fae! Great News! Due to the improvement in the Covid 19 situation, the new date for the Sweat Lodge: Focus on Conscious Sexuality and Tantra For Gay Men is now November 6-8. Having checked in personally with a lot of you over the past couple of days, this is the date that is the most workable.
It won’t be long until we meet at Manu Wairua: a group of fabulously conscious gay men ready to connect sexually and spiritually on deeper, more fulfilling levels. Through Conscious Sexuality and tantra teachings and the powerful ritual of the Sweat Lodge, we will explore together the ecstatic potential of true intimacy and our natural sexuality. Looking forward to being with you together on retreat very soon!
Big Love,
The Sweat Lodge Ceremony is a traditional Native American purification ceremony. A ceremony of renewal that brings deep spiritual and physical purification, it is known by the Native American Lakota people as the Inipi ceremony. This sacred ceremony brings healing and new beginnings into our lives.
Our ceremonial facilitators for the sweat lodge are Te Rangimarie and Rob Carter, who spent many years participating and leading purification ceremonies under the guidance of respected elders and teachers from North America, Canada, Alaska, and here in New Zealand. Te Rangimarie and Rob have a personal commitment to honouring their elders and teachers. They received blessings from their elders and teachers to continue taking on the responsibility of offering these ceremonies in a nurturing and safe place, Manu Wairua retreat. This ceremony is a very enriching and powerful experience that has touched many people in very deep, meaningful ways. Te Rangimarie and Rob will skillfully guide us on each step of the sweat lodge journey.
Grant Shepherd and Tony Thorn join Te Rangimarie and Rob as co-creators of this event. Grant and Tony offer a specific focus for this sweat lodge: Conscious Sexuality and Tantra for Gay Men. Over the course of the weekend, we will explore intimacy and what this means to us as gay men. Grant and Tony have much experience in the field of tantra and will teach time-honoured tantric techniques to deepen intimate connection with ourselves and others. The entire event will be safe space. The exercises will be clothed, consent based, and respectful.
This is the first event in New Zealand to combine the powerful ritual of the sweat lodge with profound tantric teachings to deepen intimacy. It is an initiation into the realm of Conscious Sexuality and Tantra for Gay Men. We invite you to join us on this sacred journey.
Ceremony and Etiquette:
Please try to arrive for the ceremony at least 3 hours before the start time if coming on the day of the lodge. You are welcome to come earlier. This will allow us time to make introductions and offer preparatory teachings before we go into the sweat lodge.
Ceremonial Medicines:
Tobacco is one of the traditional plant medicines used in the purification sweat lodge. Tobacco is the plant medicine traditionally offered to the Elder running the ceremony. It is used by the Elder as an offering to the Creator and the Spirit Helpers asking for healing and protection for themselves and those attending the ceremony. Tobacco holds a spiritual energy and is known by some Native Elders as “The Grandmother who brings ‘the honouring to the ceremony’”.
It is customary to gift a pouch of tobacco to the Lodge Elder as an honouring for hosting the ceremony. If coming as a group one pouch is acceptable, handed to the Elder before the ceremony on behalf of those attending. This will be taken care of by Grant and Tony.
About Manu Wairua
Te Rangimarie and Rob created their property as a spiritual retreat 22 years ago. The accommodation space is a renovated and comfortable wool shed with fully equipped kitchen, bathroom with shower, outdoor outhouse toilets, and a large outdoor deck with BBQ. It sleeps up to 15 with a combination of beds, couches, and air mattresses on the floor, or you are welcome to bring a tent and camp on the land—please note if camping you will still be charged the accommodation fee.
Things to know:
The property is alcohol and drug free. Please refrain from drugs or alcohol at least 48 hrs before and after the ceremony.
What to wear into the lodge. Our teachings are from traditional ways. Men wear shorts or sarong, a t-shirt is optional; please refrain from nudity.
If staying over:
Please bring your own bedding (we supply bottom sheet, pillow with pillowcase.)
Bring a towel for a shower after the lodge.
Bring shared food for the time you are here.
Financial contribution:
$40.00 for the sweat lodge to cover firewood and preparation
$40.00 for the shared accommodation
$40.00 for food
$80 for tuition
Total: $200:00
Please make payment and deposit into the following account with “Sweatlodge” as a reference.
ANZ 01-0186-0410824-46
When: Friday 28th August 2020 6pm
Where: Manu Wairua Retreat,
2197 Waingaro Rd, Ngaruawahia (before Waingaro Hot Springs).
For any other information, please contact Grant:
Let's gather again fae! Harness the energy of spring, of new growth and of the abundant emerging life all around us - and come toil the soil and fertilise your garden of faerie friendships for a new season ahead. Let's meet and eat!
(*overnight opportunities available, but you gotta check in first!)
DM for top secret faerie deets.
We are calling the ZOOM Heart Circle again this Sunday at 5:00pm. Will finish by 7:00 at the latest. We did receive one request to move the day to Saturday. Cannot do that this week but we will consider Saturday for future circles if others request it.
Join us if you feel a need to share heart space with other Aotearoa Faeries.
Here is the link to join:
Meeting ID: 658 973 8015
Passcode: 3191944
Questions? 027 812 8006
Jade Heart and Doncha Lovit
Have you ever had an interaction with another human being in which you felt seen, heard and able to be your true self? What you probably experienced was Authentic Relating.
Authentic Relating is the practice of acting and speaking from a place of presence and wholeness, allowing us to be in alignment with our feelings and weave a more rich and truthful human experience.
You are invited to this ‘interpersonal meditation’ session designed to safely explore your vulnerability in awareness of your boundaries and curiosities. You will have the chance to develop embodiment and communication skills, strengthening a deeper connection to yourself and others.
Participants often walk away with a profound sense of well-being and an experiential toolkit that they can make use of to enrich all aspects of their lives.
- The space will be open from 7pm and doors will close at 7.30pm, so please arrive on time to create a safe container for the group!
- Investment: $15 waged, $10 unwaged. If finance is a barrier please contact us and we will do what we can to accommodate :)
- Feel free to bring a cushion for extra comfort
About the facilitators:
Laurie King
An experienced space holder originating from the UK, I have a deep passion for bringing people together in safe, warm, supportive environments. I recognise how fundamental connection is to contentment and well being. Since August 2019, I have been on a mission to make Authentic Relating more accessible through facilitating workshops and retreats in urban spaces, rural communities and festivals around the world. For more details, check out itoiauthenticrelating.com.
Amy Richards
I am passionate about facilitating others in connecting more deeply with themselves and others through use of movement, breath and embodiment practices. The practices I most enjoy sharing are those that cultivate a sense of grounded-ness, curiosity and ease. I believe that knowing and inhabiting our bodies is central to understanding and enriching our relationships with ourselves and others. With a background in mindfulness and yoga, I completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training at Gertrude St Yoga in Melbourne in 2017. And since I have also trained in Embodied Flow Yin Yoga and Embodied Flow Somatic Movement Therapy. For more details check out facebook page: Amy Richards - Yoga
How many conversations have you had that just skim the surface of your inner world?
How many interactions feel dull, mundane and inauthentic?
How many times this week, month or year did you feel seen? ...And what did that feel like?
How do you feel when another human really invites you to see them?
Authentic Relating is the practice of acting and speaking from a place of presence and wholeness, allowing us to be in alignment with our feelings and weave a more rich and truthful human experience.
In the current times of social distancing, this practice is likely to recharge and replenish your connection to others, helping soothe any difficult feelings you may have been experiencing.
Everything shared in the workshop is consensual and confidential.
- The workshop will be run every Sunday on the New Zealand timezone (GMT+12).
- The workshop begins at 5pm (please note that the space will be closed at 5.10pm to create a safe container).
- Space is limited to 14 people (first come, first served basis).
- Please make sure you have a reliable WiFi connection!
Reciprocal gifting isn't expected or required, but if you're wanting to financially gift, you can transfer any amount via paypal:
The theme for Thursday 4th June will be 'make sense'.
The URL is: https://zoom.us/j/837597724
See you all in cyber space!
Laurie xoxox
Have you ever had an interaction with another human being in which you felt seen, heard and able to be your true self? What you probably experienced was Authentic Relating.
Authentic Relating is the practice of acting and speaking from a place of presence and wholeness, allowing us to be in alignment with our feelings and weave a more rich and truthful human experience.
You are invited to this ‘interpersonal meditation’ session designed to safely explore your vulnerability in awareness of your boundaries and curiosities. You will have the chance to develop embodiment and communication skills, strengthening a deeper connection to yourself and others.
Participants often walk away with a profound sense of well-being and an experiential toolkit that they can make use of to enrich all aspects of their lives.
- The space will be open from 7pm and doors will close at 7.30pm, so please arrive on time to create a safe container for the group!
- Investment: $15 waged, $10 unwaged. If finance is a barrier please contact us and we will do what we can to accommodate :)
- Feel free to bring a cushion for extra comfort
About the facilitators:
Laurie King
An experienced space holder originating from the UK, I have a deep passion for bringing people together in safe, warm, supportive environments. I recognise how fundamental connection is to contentment and well being. Since August 2019, I have been on a mission to make Authentic Relating more accessible through facilitating workshops and retreats in urban spaces, rural communities and festivals around the world. For more details, check out itoiauthenticrelating.com.
Amy Richards
I am passionate about facilitating others in connecting more deeply with themselves and others through use of movement, breath and embodiment practices. The practices I most enjoy sharing are those that cultivate a sense of grounded-ness, curiosity and ease. I believe that knowing and inhabiting our bodies is central to understanding and enriching our relationships with ourselves and others. With a background in mindfulness and yoga, I completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training at Gertrude St Yoga in Melbourne in 2017. And since I have also trained in Embodied Flow Yin Yoga and Embodied Flow Somatic Movement Therapy. For more details check out facebook page: Amy Richards - Yoga
How many conversations have you had that just skim the surface of your inner world?
How many interactions feel dull, mundane and inauthentic?
How many times this week, month or year did you feel seen? ...And what did that feel like?
How do you feel when another human really invites you to see them?
Authentic Relating is the practice of acting and speaking from a place of presence and wholeness, allowing us to be in alignment with our feelings and weave a more rich and truthful human experience.
In the current times of social distancing, this practice is likely to recharge and replenish your connection to others, helping soothe any difficult feelings you may have been experiencing.
Everything shared in the workshop is consensual and confidential.
- The workshop will be run every Sunday on the New Zealand timezone (GMT+12).
- The workshop begins at 5pm (please note that the space will be closed at 5.10pm to create a safe container).
- Space is limited to 14 people (first come, first served basis).
- Please make sure you have a reliable WiFi connection!
Reciprocal gifting isn't expected or required, but if you're wanting to financially gift, you can transfer any amount via paypal:
The theme for Thursday 4th June will be 'make sense'.
The URL is: https://zoom.us/j/837597724
See you all in cyber space!
Laurie xoxox
Doncha Lovit and Jade Heart have decided to call future weekly NZ Zoom Heart Circle on Sundays. Faeries who are not already receiving this email are requested to send an e-mail to Doncha Lovit to receive the Zoom invite and password the Saturday before. These will be the same every Sunday.
Doncha Lovit johnswaner@yahoo.com